Home Learning


STEM Workshops

Binary Code Challenge

In response to the unprecedented closure of schools to most pupils, the EEF has produced a set of resources for parents to support effective home learning. These are all based on the evidence-based recommendations in the EEF’s guidance reports.

These resources outline straightforward ways in which you can identify learning opportunities in everyday routines and build them into your home life. There is also guidance for supporting your child’s behavioural, emotional and social needs at this time.

7 top tips to support reading at home

Helping Home Learning: Read with TRUST full-text

Helping Home Learning: Read with TRUST simple infographic

Helping Home Learning: Read with TRUST comic

Helping Home Learning: Talk with TRUST full-text

Helping Home Learning: Talk with TRUST simple infographic

Helping Home Learning: Talk with TRUST comic

Supporting home learning routines: Planning the day

Supporting daily routines during school closures

The BBC has launched BBC Bitesize Daily.  This is a new service which will deliver a tailored day of learning across BBC iPlayer, Red Button, BBC Bitesize website and app, BBC Four and BBC Sounds, with curriculum relevant offers across the UK. Together, this comprehensive package is aimed at minimising disruption to children’s education and providing rhythm and routine in these challenging times.


STAND OUT THEATRE Activity for St. Anne Line Junior Pupils


2020 M04 D14 ECFWS Weekly Bulletin Edition 2

DS19 6494 We All Have Arguments PosterV4 (007)

Educational resources can be found on Essex County Fire and Rescue’s website


This Children’s Liturgy with CAFOD – Many parents will be experiencing home schooling for the first time but what about Children’s Liturgy at home? Every Sunday at 10am CAFOD are hosting a live Chrildren’s Liturgy at www.cafod.org.uk/education/children-s-liturgy - why don’t you join them?

Home Learning Websites

Letter to Pupils 24th March